In case you have a website, a problem can always occur and it does not necessarily need to be associated with the web hosting service. For instance, something may go wrong when you bring a software app up to date or some crucial content could be edited or erased by mistake. Irrespective of what the essence of the problem might be, you will have to contact the help desk support team and ask them to restore a backup or to help you deal with the problem that you are struggling with. How fast they will do it will determine the time that your websites will be down. For certain websites like social networking websites or Internet shops, a frequent downtime often equals losing users and money. That being said, it is of vital importance that you use the services of a web hosting company that offers not only a very good support service, but also a prompt one.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Web Hosting
With a web hosting from our company, you can forget about waiting for hours and hours, or even all day, to obtain a response to a support ticket or an email. Irrespective of when you touch base with us, we’ll respond to you within maximum 60 minutes with any sales or technical queries that you may have. As a matter of fact, our actual response time hardly ever exceeds 20 to 30 minutes. As we’re available to you night and day, you will always get help in a timely fashion and we are aware of exactly how essential this is in the electronic age. Shortly after you contact us, we’ll answer your inquiries. In case you encounter any technical complication, we will take care of it instead of you, or we will give you all the necessary information in case there’s something that you need to do on your end.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers
We guarantee that if you submit a helpdesk ticket through your hosting Control Panel or send an email relating to your semi-dedicated server, you will receive a reply within less than sixty minutes. You can contact us whenever you like with regards to general, billing or technical issues and given the fact that we will be at your disposal night and day, you will always obtain help in a timely manner. Depending on the specific issue or question, we will give you more information, fix the predicament if it has been caused by something that is within our reach or instruct you on how to proceed if you need to update a certain setting for an Internet application that we don’t have access to. You can just forget about waiting for a whole day for each single reply. Actually, in the majority of cases we answer emails and tickets within no more than 20 to 25 minutes.