Usually users check out just the features they will get with a particular web hosting plan and tend to forget something just as critical - the service uptime. As efficient as a plan might be, regular downtimes could lead to lower search engine rankings and lost potential customers whatever the reason for them may be. Not surprisingly, not a lot of people would come back to a website which is not available 1 / 2 of the time, not mentioning the wasted money assuming you have invested in an advertising and marketing campaign. That is why, when you purchase a new web hosting plan, you should ensure that the service shall be stable and your Internet sites will be online 24/7. This means more traffic, or in case you have an online store, for example, greater uptime usually means more satisfied customers.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Web Hosting
Using a web hosting account through our company, you can enjoy 99.9% server uptime. We've practically got rid of the downtime due to the fact that we use an advanced cloud hosting platform and we don't deal with everything on a single web server as the vast majority of companies do. Instead, we run every single service on an independent set of servers, so your files, e-mails, databases, etc, are going to be managed by separate web servers. Thus, we are able to also balance the load way more efficiently and guarantee the stable operation of your web sites at all times. The availability of the web servers is guaranteed by several backbone Internet providers and diesel-powered backup generators, so your internet sites are going to be functioning no matter what. We also have professionals checking the servers 24x7, including weekends and holidays, and they'll deal with any unanticipated problem that might show up.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you buy a semi-dedicated server solution through our company, you will enjoy a guaranteed 99.9% uptime. Your account will be created on a modern cloud web hosting platform with a load-balancing system that practically gets rid of any downtime. The files, email messages, statistics and databases are all addressed by their own groups of servers, so even when there is a trouble with one machine, your internet sites will not be affected in the slightest. This enables us to offer a far more stable website hosting service as compared with companies which run everything on one server where a problem with a single service can take the entire server down. To protect yourself from infrastructure complications, our data centers employ various Internet providers and powerful diesel generators, so no matter what happens, the servers will keep functioning with no disruptions and your sites will remain operational. Any software troubles will be addressed without delay by our skilled group of professionals that check all servers 24/7.
Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Servers
When you obtain a Virtual Private Server through us, we guarantee that the physical hosting server your account is created on is going to be up and running at least 99.9% of the time. While we cannot control what you will do with your VPS and what you set up on it, we will ensure that the main server will work 24/7 with no interruptions. Our facilities have several Internet providers as well as backup power generators to ensure the constant work of all servers accommodated there. When there is a difficulty with any virtual server on the physical one, we have a crew of experienced admins to eradicate it in a very timely manner and to to guarantee the other VPS server accounts in that hosting server won't be affected. We use only new, meticulously tested hardware components for all of the servers where new virtual accounts are created.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Servers
When you buy a dedicated server through us, we guarantee that it will be functioning no less than 99.9% of the time. Firstly, your hosting server will be built with new and thoroughly tested hardware components and we will not make any compromises with that. Our data center in the town center of Chicago offers powerful diesel backup generators, so in the case of a power outage your server will still be operational and with a number of redundant Internet providers, your web sites are going to be available if there is any online connectivity problem. In the event of any unanticipated conditions, we have well-trained system administrators which keep track of all website hosting servers at all times and they can react immediately to eliminate the issue in a very timely manner. Last in sequence, but not last in importance, our web servers have hardware and software firewalls to stop the unwanted traffic in the event of a DDoS attack.